Hooghly Womens College - Merit List (Updated) 2024

Hooghly Womens College
Under Graduate Admission 2024
Merit List (Updated) 2024

Merit List (Updated) 2024

The provisional merit list has been prepared on the basis of the data provided by the applicant in the stand-alone admission portal of Hooghly Women’s College. In the event of any information found to be false, incomplete and incorrect or non-fulfilment of eligibility criteria, the candidature is liable to be cancelled even after the admission as per rules now in force.

Applicants who have been marked Allotted in this updated provisional merit list have to pay the admission fees on or before 25-09-2024 and will come to college on 26-09-2024 at 1 pm for physical verification of documents with all the documents (original and one photocopy of each) that have been uploaded and the receipt of payment of admission fees.

Applicants who were marked Allotted in the previous merit list published on 13-09-2024 are not eligible for payment during this period. Their candidature have already been cancelled.

Disclaimer Neither we nor the colleges/institutions hold any responsibility on account of the accuracy of the content provided. we are not responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept in the process of data aggregation. Kindly visit the respective college website for latest information.
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