Netaji Nagar College For Women came into being as a culmination of the efforts of the people of the region. The people who settled. here at Netaji Nagar had to struggle a great deal for their existence. They soon realized that knowledge and education
are the only weapons in their possession. Thus their sentiments and desire for quality education for their children led to the establishmet of Netaji Nagar College on 25th September, 1967, with the active support of Late Prasanta Kumar Sur, Ex-President of the college and Ex-Minister of the Govt. of West Bengal, Late Snehangshu Kanta Acharya, Ex-advocate General, Govt. of West Bengal, along with the whole-hearted support of the-then Vice-chancellor of Calcutta University, Late Bidhubhusan Malik.
The trifurcation of the erstwhile college became inevitable due to the ever increasing demand for the education of the girl students of the locality in a conducive academic atmosphere. Thus on 1st April, 1986 was born Netaji Nagar College For Women.
Our College has traversed over two decades since its inception. In the face of severe odds, the College has never ceased its forward march to uphold its mission for higher education for women of our society. The College is affiliated to the University of Calcutta and initially it had grown up as the morning section of the college in a common building. Then, following the demands from the students of the locality and their guardians, it became an independent College on 1st April, 1986.