Centralised Admission 2024
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(Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science Engineering Entrance Examination)
Admissions to B.Tech. & B.Arch.
conducted by:
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science Engineering, Chennai

"HITSEEE (Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science Engineering Entrance Examination)" to assess and handpick the agile aspiring Engineers to build a better world. The assessment will be based on Maths, Physics, Chemistry, English and General Awareness. National level top scorers will get scholarship for pursuing their graduate programme in Engineering.
Performance Scholarship
Toppers of State and Central Board 100 % Tuition Fee Waiver
Top 1 -25 HITSEEE Rank Holders 100 % Tuition Fee Waiver
Top 26 -50 HITSEEE Rank Holders 75 % Tuition Fee Waiver
Top 51 -100 HITSEEE Rank Holders 50 % Tuition Fee Waiver

    + Important Dates

    Dates Particulars
    January 10, 2022 (Monday) Issue of HITSEEE 2022 Application Form
    April 30, 2022 (Saturday) Last date for applying
    May 02 to May 09, 2022 (Monday to Monday) Entrance Examination
    May 16, 2022 (Monday) Publication of Rank List
    May 25 to June 01, 2022 (Wednesday to Wednesday) Counselling dates

    + Programs Offered

    Aeronautical Engineering Aerospace Engineering
    Automobile Engineering Bio Technology
    Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering
    Computer Science and Engineering Electronics and Communications Engineering
    CSE (Artificial Intelligence and Data Science) Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    CSE (AI & ML) (in collaboration with IBM) Mechatronics Engineering
    CSE (Cyber Security) (In collaboration with IBM) Mechanical Engineering

    B.Design. (B.Des.)
    Interior Design Interior Design course at HITS offers students an opportunity to explore the vast and interesting field of Interiors in offices, residences and commercial spaces like Hotels, showrooms. The various techniques of Design involving Color, Materials, Style and Composition which are imparted during the course make them equipped to handle their projects efficiently. The industry expert lectures conducted by the institute maintain the industry exposure and prepare them for the profession. The studios present an active learning space to experiment with different techniques and discuss with peers to improve the learning experience. The campus provides a green and sustainable environment to enhance their learning and hone their individual capabilities to become designers of the future.

    Architect Firms, Builders Office, Interior Design Firms, Corporate Firms.
    Communication Design HITS offers communication design course to meet the surge of communication happening in the social media and internet. Communication Design is a 4 year professional program for students who want to explore the new skills of communication and the creative potential of the interchange between words and images in traditional and innovative media. The goal of the Communication Design program is to keenly develop an understanding and mastery of communication design principles, theories, and skills. The Communication Design program teaches a problem-solving approach to communication, with a special concern for the people affected by any designed communication. The focus is on graphics, typography, web content development and animation which are the most utilized platforms of communication in social media. The facilities and faculty impart a creative environment for students to engage themselves in creative design communication through various media of communication.

    Web Design companies, Software companies, Graphic Design companies, Print and communication companies.
    Fashion and Apparel Design Bachelor of Design in Fashion & Apparel Design) is a four-year (8 semesters) undergraduate course on Fashion and is approved by AICTE. This is an excellent professional intensive and extensive design program that aims to produce dynamic design professionals equipped with profound creative and technical skills, based on fashion designing. It is a study of creating and molding budding aspirants to bring out original designs in garments, allied fashion products and accessories based on ever-changing trends.

    Fashion Design Studio, Textile companies, Fashion Event management companies.

    + Eligibility Criteria

    B.Tech. Programmes
    • Academic Stream:A minimum average of 50% in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
    • Vocational Stream:A minimum average of 50% marks in the related subjects and vocational subjects (Theory and Practical).
    • Vocational Stream:A minimum average of 50% marks in the related subjects and vocational subjects (Theory and Practical).
    B.Arch. Programme (5 Years)
    • Candidates seeking admission in B. Arch degree programme should have passed an examination at the end of the 10+2 scheme of examination with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics subjects or passed 10 + 3 Diploma Examination with Mathematics as compulsory subject (As per COA Norms).
    • All applicants, applying for B. Arch programme should have written the National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) (www.nata.in) conducted by Council of Architecture, India and secure the minimum eligible marks as per COA norms.
    Age Limit Candidates whose date of birth falls on or after 1st July 2000 are eligible to apply for HITSEEE-2022
    B.Design. (B.Des.) A minimum average of 50% in higher secondary (10+2) qualifying examination in any stream (Science, Arts, Commerce etc.)

    + Instructions

    • Date of the exam: May 02 to May 09, 2022
    • Mode of exam: Online
    • Duration: 1 hour (60 minutes)
    • Question Type: Multiple Choice (MCQs)
    • Question Pattern:
      • Part A: Physics - 15 questions
      • Part B: Chemistry - 15 questions
      • Part C: Maths - 15 questions
      • Part D: English & General Knowledge - 15 questions
    • Requirements: Laptop or Desktop or Mobile phones with internet connectivity
    NOTE: Login id, password, time slot, detailed procedure for attending the exam will be sent to your registered mail id.
Source: hindustanuniv.ac.in

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