Hooghly Mohsin College started its journey for excellence in higher education in 1836. The history of this college warrants the hope and mission of continuing to spread modern, western as well as oriental education and inculcate humane values amongst the students. To match with its mission, since the very beginning the institution has been emphasizing the quality of education imparted and the elegance and excellence of teaching style. Though Western education had received importance in the past yet indigenous traditions and values were not neglected even then. Consequently, students of New Hooghly Mohsin College made significant contributions to academic excellence as well as to the cause of social needs of the country. In fact, the larger social context was never lost sight of. This is borne out by the involvement and participation of the students and teachers of this college in revolutionary and social activities for national independence and regeneration. The college authority under the direct control of Colonial Government could not cramp or limit the spirit of enquiry and freedom among the students and teachers. Thus the college, since, its origin, has emerged as a centre of excellence as well as of social indicator to inculcate noble social values and spiritual aspirations.
The involvement of the students of the college in the larger social milieu comes out very well in the pages of history of Hooghly College, 1836 - 1936 written by Dr. Kuruvilla Zachariah. In every walk of social life the students of this institution have been taking leading role and creating positive impression through time. The college aims at achieving its mission of academic excellence and value-oriented education as a government-run-institution. After independence, the college has been seeking to serve the cause of higher education in the greater national context. It has always reviewed, redefined and modified its mission and role to keep pace with the changing social and national imperatives. Quite a few new disciplines of studies, for example, have been introduced after the independence. The introduction of full-fledged post-graduates courses in a number of subjects in the recent past amply proves this positive mission of the college - a mission which upholds heritage and tradition with modernity.