Gokhale Memorial Girls College was conceived / visualised as an extension of Gokhale School, a pioneer Institution in the sphere of women’s education in Bengal which was founded in 1920 by an eminent educationist Sarala Debi. As the eldest daughter of the renowned Brahmo Reformer Durgamohan Das she was privileged to receive school education from the prestigious Bango Mahila Bidyalay, a Bramho Enterprise, to enable women to enter the threshold of the university. After almost a century of being objects of education programmes organised by male agencies, women were eager to take control of their own intellectual advancement. Education had opened up a new horizon for Sarala Debi and like some of her peers she felt impelled to take up the cause of women less empowered in this respect.
On 20 April 1920 Sarala Debi, now Mrs. P. K. Raya homemaker, mother and social activist, initiated a project very close to her heart i.e. an educational institution for girls’ named after the eminent educationist and politician who was also her mentor in social activism- Gopal Krishna Gokhale. In 1938 the College came into existence as students passing the Matriculation Examination went on to study the Intermediate Course in certain subjects. Among the first batch of proud students who passed with flying colours was Mrs.Santwana Lahiri, the present Honorary Secretary of the Governing Body of the College. At this time the Principal of the Institution was Dr. S.E. Rani Ghosh, the spiritual successor of Mrs. Ray and one of her most trusted ‘educational workers’. Under her able guidance the College made rapid progress, which was carried forward by her successors.