The Serampore Mission of the Baptist Missionary Society was established on 10th January 1800, when William Carey had already spent about seven years in North Bengal since his arrival in Calcutta from Britain on 11th November 1793.

He joined the team of other missionaries including Joshua Marshman and William Ward. In July 1818. Carey, Marshman and Ward published the prospectus of Serampore College “for the instruction of Asiatic Christians and other Youths in Eastern Literature and European Science.” While the founders laid great emphasis on the training of Christian leaders for the church in Asia, they had desired to have the College opening its doors to all students irrespective of their caste, colour and creed. It was made imperative to admit students with the understanding that the instruction would be secular in character. Consequently, the College has gained worldwide reputation as a unique educational institution imparting instruction in as diverse disciplines as Christian Theology and liberal Arts, Science and Commerce.