The Bhawanipur Education Society College was founded in the year 1966 affiliated to the University of Calcutta. Initiated by the Gujaratis, solely for educational purpose, the voyage of the College continued, regardless of caste, creed and language, towards a new horizon of perfection. The College thus made a mark for the high standards of education imparted. Known for excellence in teaching and extra-curricular activities, the institution has retained its commitment to the goals of quality teaching and development of the personality of its students. The concern for eminence and the aspiration to improve further motivated the College.

The Bhawanipur Education Society College portrays a perfect mosaic of various diversities in every sense of the term. Constancy in academic growth has earned recognition and the College is now one of the most promising institutions of learning in Kolkata. It encompasses multiple avenues that a youth can explore to quench his/her insatiable thirst to know the unknown. Its dynamism and progressive thinking is inculcated in the young minds that prosper to grace various fields in India and abroad. An embedded philosophy of the College is to encourage girl students. Their area of skill is identified and honed.
The heart and soul of the College- the students are provided with the best comforts that set an example to other educational institutions- free use of telephone, air-conditioned environment, Internet Bandwidth of 2MBPS and Wi-Fi enabled campus.