The Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) administered the Class 10 and 12 board examinations for the year 2024 spanning from February to March. Currently, students eagerly anticipate the board's announcement of the results. Media sources suggest that MPBSE is likely to unveil the MP Board 10th and 12th Result 2024 during the latter half of April, yet this remains unconfirmed by the board itself.
MPBSE is expected to soon provide the precise date and time for result publication. Once released, students enrolled in Classes 10 and 12 can access their respective results by visiting the official board website at
MPBSE is anticipated to announce the MP Board Result 2024 in the latter part of April, although the official confirmation from the board is still pending. Upon release, students can access their results by visiting
To access and download their respective board results, students in Class 10 and 12 can follow these steps: