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Error processing SSI file

Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test 2014

Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test 2014
Government of Kerala
Department of General Education

Notification : 06.08.2014
Starting Date of Online Registration : 08.08.2014
Last Date of Online Registration : 20.08.2014, 2:00 P.M.
Issue of Online Hall Ticket : 16.09.2014 onwards

Date of Examination
Category Date of Examination Duration Time
K-TET - I 27.09.2014 (Saturday) 10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. 2 ½ hrs.
K-TET - II 27.09.2014 (Saturday) 2:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. 2 ½ hrs.
K-TET - III 18.10.2014 (Saturday) 10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. 2 ½ hrs.
K-TET - IV 18.10.2014 (Saturday) 2:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. 2 ½ hrs.
The Prospectus, Notification, Application form and Chalan for fee remittance can be downloaded from the websites of Pareeksha Bhavan ''. Application should be submitted only through online not directly.

Procedure for applying for K-TET
There are two steps for submitting the application.
  • Log on to the official website of Pareeksha Bhavan. Click on ‘K-TET 2014’. Read the prospectus carefully. Click on ‘K-TET Chalan Form’. Fill in the required details here. You can choose any of the available branches of State Bank of Travancore in and around various places in India while filling the chalan data. After filling the details click ‘Submit’. You can view three copies of the chalan with the amount to be paid, based on the number of categories applied for. Take the print out of the chalan and remit the amount in the selected branch of SBT.
  • After remitting the amount, log on to the official website of Pareekshabhavan again and click on ‘K-TET 2014’. Click on ‘K-TET Online Application Form’. Here, enter the Application ID and Application Number provided in the chalan. The application form will appear with certain details you have entered earlier. Fill in the vacant windows. Upload your photograph in JPEG format (Ensure that the size of the photograph is less than 30MB). After filling up the necessary details, upload the application form (online) to the Pareeksha Bhavan,Thiruvananthapuram. Take a print out of the uploaded application form and verify the particulars given in the application. Correction if any required should be made before confirming the application. Any correction in name, category and subject chosen will not be allowed after the confirmation of the application. A copy of the printout of the uploaded application should be kept by the candidate for future reference.
Print out of the Chalan, application form and copy of the certificates need not be sent to Pareeksha Bhavan.
The Exam fee for each category is Rs. 500/- (Five Hundred only).

The fee for SC/ST and differently able categories is Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty only). Candidates have to remit the Exam Fee in cash in the Account No. 67186142559 Kerala TET, in favour of the Director, SCERT, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram at the select branches of State Bank of Travancore.

Fees once remitted will not be refunded or adjusted for any other examination in future.

Syllabus of the K-TET for

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  Error processing SSI file