Sister Nibedita Government General Degree College for Girls has started her maiden journey from the year 2015 with the generous help of the Government of West Bengal. The institution located in the southern fringe of Kolkata, bears the rarest distinction of being the first Degree College (Government) for women in Kolkata in the post-independence era. The proposal for establishing this long-coveted institution was mooted with the approval of the Cabinet, vide Cabinet Secretariat U/O No. Cab. (D)-1421 dated 17.09.2013, and concurrence of the Finance Department, vide their U. O. No. 904 Gr. P2 dated 14.05.2013.
The college was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in a grand gala ceremony on 16th July, 2015 in presence of the Education Minister, Principal Secretary of Higher Education, Director of Public Instructions, Vice Chancellors of Universities, and distinguished luminaries and echelons of all walks of academic world. The first academic session 2015-16 started on and from 21st August, 2015. Originally named as the Government General Degree College for Girls, the College was later renamed and dedicated to ‘Sister Nivedita’, the famous Scot-Irish thinker, writer, preacher, social reformer, and furthermore, a devout disciple of Swami Vivekananda. A Briton by birth, she was an Indian by taste and choice and was the first woman who patronized and revolutionized women rights in India. The order of change in nomenclature was issued with the approval of the cabinet vide Cabinet Secretariat U/O No. Cab. (D)-2359 dated 14.09.2015 and G. O. No. 55-Edn (A/NCG)/10M-121/12 dated 18.09.2015.
Thus, from the very inception, the vision of this institution is to impart, promote and spread holistic education among girls irrespective of caste, creed, religion or language. From the Vedic period of ancient India, though education was equally open to men and women, the long shadow of discrimination looms over the nation even in the 21st century, especially in the domain of Higher Education. This new citadel of knowledge will surely mark the zenith of academic development and empowerment of women of this new generation. We await for the day when the students of this institution will outshine all obstacles, aspire high and dispel the silhouette of ignorance around them. We welcome all sorts of constructive criticisms from all corners for the glorious development of this academic institution.