Looking back to remote past, Maharani Kasiswari College has connection with the Cossimbazar Raj Family of Murshidabad. This Royal Family of Bengal has a great history of contribution towards promotion of education in the State.
Starting from Krishna Kanta Nandy — son to grandson of Kali Nath Nandy, founder of Cossimbazar Raj Family, upto Maharaja Sris Chandra Nandy — all believed and correctly realized that India was to be 'Born through Education'.
The building at 20, Ramkanto Bose Street, Kolkata-3, was an ancestral property of Maharaja Manindra Chandra Nandy. His son, Hon'ble Maharaja Sris Chandra Nandy donated the premises for establishment of a college at North Kolkata. The mission was made possible due to the initiative of some spirited personalities of that time. From 15th July, 1941, the college started and was named as Maharaja Manindra Chandra College.
Initially, the 20 R. B. Street building was a two-storied house where Manindra Nandy was born on 29th May, 1860 and his wedding took place when he was fifteen. He was married to Maharani Kasiswari of Khirgram, Burdwan, when the bride was seven. In 1897, after getting succession of Cossimbazar Estate, Maharaja Manindra Chandra left Kolkata. The building was first used as a Students' Home, then turned into an Ayurvedic Vidyalaya and ultimately from 1941, it turned into Manindra Chandra College.