+ Time Schedule
Event |
Date |
Schedule for online submission of application forms |
08.01.2024 to 26.03.2024 |
Date for downloading of Admit Card by the candidates from the portal |
06.04.2024 |
+ NERIST Entrance Examination
The NERIST Entrance Examination (NEE) is conducted for admission to different modules of study in the Institute. Three different examinations, known as NEE-I, NEE-II and NEE-III, are conducted every year to admit students in different modules viz., Base (Certificate) and Degree modules of Technology Stream and 4 years Degree in Forestry.
For all the examinations (NEE-I/ NEE-II/ NEE-III) with any paper code, the questions are of objective type with multiple-choice answers. Candidates shall have to attempt all the questions from all the sections of the relevant paper. For every wrong answer to a question, 25% (¼th) of the marks carried by that question is deducted. There is no deduction of marks for un-attempted questions.
For all the examinations (NEE-I/ NEE-II/ NEE-III) with any paper code, applicants who are appearing in the respective qualifying examination and whose results are awaited may also appear in the respective Entrance Examination. In such cases, selected candidates must produce the original pass certificates and/or mark-sheets/grade cards at the time of their counseling for admission. Otherwise, their selection shall stand automatically cancelled.
In case, an applicant is found ineligible at a later date (i.e., even after his/her admission is complete), his/her admission shall stand cancelled. Hence, all admissions shall be provisional and subject to verification of facts from the original certificates/documents of the applicants.
+ Exam Schedule
April 20th, 2024 (Saturday) from 10:00 A.M. to 01:00 P.M. |
April 21st, 2024 (Sunday) from 10:00 A.M. to 01:00 P.M. |
Note: On the day of the Examination, candidates must bring their Admit Cards, Black ball point pen, etc., to the Examination Hall. Calculator (non programmable) /Log tables are not allowed for NEE-I. However, these are allowed for NEE-II, NEE-II (Vocational) and NEE-III. In case of non-receipt of Admit Card, candidate must bring the photocopy of his/her Registration Confirmation page and two color photographs.
+ Eligibility Criteria, Examination Scheme and Exam Paper Codes for NEE-I, NEE-II & NEE-III
+ How to Apply
+ Fees Structure
Fee structure of NERIST is subject to change from time to time as per the Institute regulations. The tentative Institute fees are as follows; the fee structure is due for revision by May-2024 and likely to change as per norms.
Module |
Semester |
Module |
Semester |
(Technology) |
1st Sem. |
₹14,510/- |
₹14,190/- |
(Technology) |
1st Sem. (Vertical) |
₹8,220/- |
₹8,110/- |
2nd Sem.
onwards |
₹4,960/- |
1st Sem. (Lateral) |
₹17,050/- |
₹16,730/- |
(Technology) |
1st Sem.
(Vertical) |
₹7,300/- |
₹7,190/- |
(Forestry) |
1st Sem |
₹17,050/- |
₹16,730/- |
2nd Sem.
(Vertical) |
₹5,180/- |
2nd Sem.
onwards |
₹.5,530/- |
* For existing students only.
HOSTEL Fees: Besides the above fees, the hostellers are required to pay the following fees:
Caution Money - ₹3,000/- (50% refundable after completion of course),
Mess Advance –
(i) ₹16,610/- per semester for Hostels :- Brahmaputra, Subansiri & Kurung Paniu
(ii) ₹12,000/- per Semester for Hostels :- Tirap, Pare, Panyor, Dibang, Lohit and Kameng
+ Admission Procedure
The NERIST Entrance Examination (NEE) is conducted at three Levels viz., NEE-I, NEE-II and NEE-III for admissions to Certificate Module, & Degree Module of Engineering & Technology branches of Technology stream; and to Degree Module of Forestry stream through NEE-II (PCB). The entrance examination is conducted at various centers located in the States of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura in the month of April every year. The selection of candidates is done in order of merit as per the institute regulations under various reservation categories of the respective states and the Union of India. The notification for NEE-I, NEE-II and NEE-III is published in national newspapers and regional newspapers of the North Eastern Region in the month of January every year. Information about the admission procedure can also be accessed by logging on to
http://www.neeonline.ac.in or
http://www.nerist.ac.in website.
+ Examination Centre
The NERIST Entrance Examination (NEE) will be conducted at 16 (Sixteen centers) in the eight North Eastern States. The names of the centers are given in Table-2. An applicant should choose an appropriate Examination Centre code of two-digit number (say XX) from the Table-1 as to where he/she desires to appear for the Entrance Examination-2024. An applicant has to provide two choices of the examination centers while filling the ONLINE form for the NEE-2024. The first choice of Examination Centre exercised by an applicant is maintained as such. A center may not be available to a candidate, if number of applicants in that center exceeds the maximum capacity of the center. Also a center may be cancelled if sufficient numbers of applicants are not available in that center. In both the above-cases, the second choice of the examination center is allotted to the applicant.
Table-2. Examination City Codes:
Examination City Code (XX) |
Name of Examination City |
01 |
Agartala |
02 |
Aizawl |
03 |
Dibrugarh |
04 |
Gangtok |
05 |
Guwahati |
06 |
Imphal |
07 |
Itanagar |
08 |
Pasighat |
09 |
Kohima |
10 |
North Lakhimpur |
11 |
Shillong |
12 |
Silchar |
13 |
Tezpur |
14 |
Bomdila |
15 |
Ziro |
16 |
Aalo |