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Undergraduate Admission Documents Required 2022 | Vidyasagar Metropolitan College
Vidyasagar Metropolitan College
Undergraduate Admission Documents Required 2022
Hard copy of the application form.
Hard copy of processing and admission fees deposit receipt.
Admit card/age proof certificate: Madhyamik Examination or equivalent: Original and one photo copy.
Marksheet : Higher secondary or equivalent: Original and one photo copy.
Authenticity Certificate and transfer certificate: In case of incumbents from boards other than H.S, I.S.C and C.B.S.E.
One copy coloured pass port size photograph of the candidate.
Photocopy of Photo identity proof of the guardian (Voter I.Card / Aadhar Card / Driving License / Bank Pass Book front page / Passport etc.) and one copy coloured pass port size photograph of the guardian.
Transfer certificate from college authority if the student is already admitted to any other college.
Caste certificate for SC, ST and OBC candidates and Disability Certificate for Physically Handicapped candidates from appropriate authority: original and one photocopy.
The above documents along with print out of the application form duly signed by the incumbent and his/her legal guardian to be produced at the time of verification/issuing of admit order.
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