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Taradevi Harakhchand Kankaria Jain College, Kolkata
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Undergraduate (UG) Rules & Regulations, 2022-2023
Taradevi Harakhchand Kankaria Jain College
Undergraduate (UG) Rules & Regulations, 2022-2023
Students must abide by the college rules, regulations as may be promulgated by the College Administration from time to time. Breach of these disciplines, rules and regulations shall render them liable to disciplinary and administrative action.

General Instructions, 2022-2023

  • Students are expected to maintain a good environment conducive to academic pursuits and restrain themselves from passing any derogatory comment towards any religion/caste/creed etc
  • Each student should carry his/her identity card inside the college which should be exhibited on demand. In case losing of Identity Card Rs.200/- will charged for issuing the duplicate Card.
  • No outsider is to be entertained inside the college premises without the prior permission from authority/teachers/staffs
  • Keep the college campus clean, use the garbage bins
  • Do not gather or loiter unnecessarily in the corridors
  • Switch off the lights, fans before leaving the classroom to save energy
  • For practical based subjects, students must attend the theory classes or they will not be allowed to attend practical classes.
  • It is the responsibility of each student to look up the notice board regularly to remain updated. Ignorance about the notices cannot be an excuse in any case.
  • Students must follow the deadline for submission of Project or Lab Note Book as given by the Department.

Attendance, 2022-2023

Regular & punctual attendance is compulsory for every student. As per the regulation of University of Calcutta, student will be considered:
  1. Non-Collegiate if his/her attendance in any subject/Group of subjects falls short of 75% but not below 60%. Candidates declared Non-Collegiate may be allowed to fill in application forms for Examination on payment of requisite non-collegiate fees as per Calcutta University norms.
  2. A candidate who has not attended at least 60% of lectures delivered/practical class held in any subject/group of subject shall be considered as Dis-Collegiate and shall be debarred from appearing in any examination as per Calcutta University norms.

College Hours, 2022-2023

Section Time Course
Day Shift 11.15 AM onwards B.A. / B.Sc. (Honours & General) / B.Com. (Honouus) / BBA (Honouus)
Morning Shift 06:50 AM B.Com. (Honours & General)

Disciplinary Issues, 2022-2023

  • Students must be present in the class within the scheduled time.
  • Students must seek permission from the concerned teacher before entering or leaving during the lecture sessions.
  • Ragging, in any of its forms, is strictly prohibited inside and outside the college premises. Strict action (even rustication) would be taken against anyone found guilty in this matter (UGC Regulation 2009).
  • Students' behaviour towards the teachers, non-teaching staffs and other students should be decent and humble. Arrogant attitude or rude behaviour shown towards any would be considered condemnable and punishable as well.
  • The students should take care of college properties and be careful to prevent any kind of damage. If identified, fine will be imposed on the particular student responsible for the damage and if not identified the entire class / section has to pay for the loss.
  • Restriction of Tobacco :-
    Consumption of tobacco in any form (cigarette, Gutkha, Khaini) is strictly prohibited inside the college premises. Anybody found in such act would be penalized
  • Restrictions on Mobile Phone/Tab :-
    Use of mobile phone/tablet/similar electronic gadget is strictly restricted inside the classroom/examination hall, library, laboratories and corridors. Violation of this rule may be followed by a penalty.
  • Dress Code :-
    Students must dress themselves in a simple and decent manner.
  • Absence :-
    For long and repeated absence on medical ground, students have to submit the prescription and certificate of a Registered Physician.

Library Rules and Regulations, 2022-2023

  • Students must carry the Lending & Reference - cards with him or her to get the books issued / returned.
  • Students are not permitted to use other's Lending & Reference - cards. In case of loss of library card it should be immediately reported to the college Library, so that a duplicate card may be issued against payment of fine of Rupees 15.
  • Two books of the same kind will not be issued to students at a time.
  • Students of all the three years must get the library clearance before the final examination of University of Calcutta.
  • In case of loss of any borrowed book, it must be reported immediately to the Librarian. The student must either replace the lost book or pay the cost of the latest edition of the lost book along with overdue charges, if any.
  • Students must not bring books borrowed from other libraries in the college library. Personal belongings are to be kept at the counter at readers' own risk.
  • Library shall not be responsible for any kind of loss or damage to personal belongings left in its premises.
  • Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the library.
  • Library Reference books will not be issued.
  • Violation of library rules or misconduct by any student may result in discontinuation of the library privileges.
  • All users must observe total silence in the library and its environs at all times.
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