Participants need to take at least 24 courses towards coursework, and complete one Project/ Dissertation. The coursework requirement for the programme would consist of a set of core courses and electives. Core courses are compulsory for all participants, while electives can be chosen based on individual learning preferences.
First Semester
- Financial and Management Accounting
- Managerial Economics
- Quantitative Methods
- Managing People & Organizations
Second Semester
- Marketing
- Advanced Statistical Methods
- Foundations of Data Science
- Strategic Management & Business Policy
Third Semester
- Financial Management
- Predictive Analytics
- Analytics for Competitive Advantage
- Operations Management
Fourth Semester
- Elective 1
- Elective 2
- Project
- Financial Analytics
- Project Management
- Data Visualization and Communication
- Analytics for HR
- Models in Marketing
- Supply Chain Analytics
- Analytics for Marketing
- Analytics for Retail Industry
- Operations Research Models
- Analytics for Investment Banking
- Financial Risk Models
- Analytical Models in Finance
Choice of Electives is made available to enrolled students at the beginning of each semester. A limited selection of Electives will be offered at the discretion of the Institute.
Examinations Mode Options applicable for students admitted in Batch starting in Jan 2024:
Semester 1, 2, & 3 have Mid-semester Examinations and Comprehensive Examinations for each of course. These examinations are mostly scheduled on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. During these semesters, in addition to the Mid-Semester and Comprehensive examinations, there will also be Quizzes/Assignments conducted online on the Learning Management System (LMS) as per the course plan in which the students need to participate. In the Semester 4 (Final Semester), the student will be doing a Dissertation/Project Work as per the Institution’s guidelines.
Two Options on Mode of Examinations:
It is institute’s endeavour to offer two options on mode of exams at the time of the registration for each semester of the programme. However, please note that Option 2 as explained below is offered purely on the discretion of the institute. Availability of Option 2 is not assured and is subject to institute’s own assessment of the feasibility of providing it. Students will need to choose one from the available option/s provided by the institute at the time of registering for every semester. The two mode of exam options are explained below:
Option 1 - Examinations at Designated Examination Centres:
Students choosing this option will need to appear in person for taking the examinations at the institution’s designated examination centres as per the examination schedule, instructions, rules and guidelines announced before every examination. These designated examination centres are at the following locations: Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi NCR, Hyderabad, Pune, Mumbai, Kolkata, Goa, and Pilani. In addition to these locations, Institution also has a designated examination centre in Dubai.
Option 2 - Online Examinations:
Students choosing this option can take the examinations online from any location e.g. office or home. However the Institute at its discretion may choose not to offer this option and in such a case students will need to take the examinations as per Option 1 that entails appearing for the examination at any one of the designated examination centres. Also, to take an Online Examination, the student must possess a Laptop or Desktop system with Two Web Cams (One Web Cam for the student’s frontal face view and a Second Web Cam for the student’s and Laptop or Desktop system’s full side view during the exam), a smart phone and good internet connectivity. Please click here to refer to the complete details about mandatory IT and Non-IT Infrastructure requirements for taking the online examinations. A student should choose this option only if the student is confident to arrange the required mandatory IT Infrastructure and Non-IT Infrastructure to take the examinations under this mode. Students opting for online examinations would require to log in to the institution’s online examination platform as per the announce examination schedule and take the online examinations in compliance with the institution’s defined instructions, guidelines, and rules which are announced before all examinations.
Important: While it will be institute’s endeavour to offer both the above options for students to choose from at the time of registering for any semester, however availability of the online mode option may not always be feasible or is assured and Institute at its own discretion could choose to offer only
Option 1 as mentioned above. Also note that The Institute regularly takes actions to optimize its examination system and hence the mandatory IT and Non-IT Infrastructure requirements, instructions, guidelines, and rules associated with both the above mentioned examination modes may change anytime at the Institute's discretion. All students will need to 100% comply with any such changed specifications announced by the Institute.
The following fees schedule is applicable for candidates seeking new admission during the academic year 2023-24.
Application Fees (one time): Rs. 1500/-
Admission Fees (one time): Rs. 16,500/-
Semester Fees (per semester): Rs. 63,500/-
The one-time Application Fee is to be paid at the time of submitting the Application Form through the Online Application Centre.
Admission Fee (one-time) and Semester Fee (for the First Semester) are to be paid together once admission is offered to the candidate. Thus, a candidate who has been offered admission will have to pay INR 80,000/-. You may choose to make the payment using Netbanking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card through the Online Application Centre.
Option to pay fees using an easy EMI with 0% interest and 0 down payment. Click here to learn more.
Semester Fee for subsequent semesters will only be payable later, i.e. at the beginning of those respective semesters.
Any candidate who desires to discontinue from the programme after confirmation of admission & registration for the courses specified in the admit offer letter will forfeit the total amount of fees paid.
For the examination centre at Dubai, in addition to the semester fees, for each semester there will be an examination centre fees of 1000 UAE Dirhams or equivalent per semester out of which 500 UAE Dirhams is to be paid at the time of appearing in Mid-semester examinations at Dubai Centre for that semester and the remaining 500 UAE Dirhams is to be paid at the time of appearing in comprehensive examinations at Dubai centre for that semester.
All the above fees are non-refundable.
Important: For every course in the program institute will recommend textbooks, students would need to procure these textbooks on their own.