IIT, Dhanbad Admission to 3-Year M.Tech. 2023
Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT), Dhanbad
Admission to 3-Year M.Tech. 2023
The aim of 3-Year M.Tech. programmes is to train the students in high level of knowledge enabling them to tackle real life problems in industrial fields as well as to excel in higher academics through research. Enough flexibility is provided in the structure of the programme in respect of courses, laboratories and project work to help the students to achieve their goal. All the Departments of the Institute are equipped with sufficient facilities for this purpose.
IIT(ISM) offers admission in 3-Year M. Tech. for the Working Professionals from government organizations / reputed Industrial Organization / Academic Institutions.
It is a slow pace programme without compromising the course structure or contents. This aims to help the Working Executives / Academicians to improve their technical aptitude and opts for Higher Degree as a regular student within the existing pace of the program with some time expansion to promote completion of program.
This is essentially a self-financing programme for working class executives of the industry and academicians with adequate professional focus.
Course structure is distributed in six semesters and is designed to prepare Working Executives / Academicians for professional careers in the area.
Candidates may be permitted to do their dissertation (in final year) in industries and other approved organizations.
Various 3-Year M.Tech. Programmes offered by IIT(ISM) and the names of the offering Departments are shown in Page 4 of the Information Brochure.
Foreign / NRI / PIO candidates are requested to visit the institute website on ‘Foreign Students’ under ‘Admission’ and they may contact Dean (International Relations and Alumni Affairs) (diraa@iitism.ac.in).
+ Important Dates for Admission
Application portal opens |
20.10.2023 |
Last date for submission of application |
02.12.2023 |
Written / Interview Date |
10.12.2023 |
Result declaration Date |
26.12.2023 |
Admission Fees payment Date |
26.12.2023 - 30.12.2023 |
Academic Registration |
02.01.2024 |
Commencement of Classes |
06.01.2024 |
+ Eligibility of Candidates
Executives / Academicians / supervisors with one year’s post qualification experience from reputed industrial / R&D, Academic Institute, public sector, Government, Semi-Government and reputed private sector organisations are eligible.
Candidates seeking admission to M.Tech. Programme of the Institute should have Minimum 60% or CGPA/CPI of 6 in 10 point scale (without rounding off) in the qualifying degree for UR (Unreserved)/OBC candidates.
Minimum 50% or CGPA/CPI of 5.0 in 10 point scale (without rounding off) in the qualifying degree for SC/ST candidates.
Sl. No. |
3-Year M.Tech. Program and Program Code |
Eligibility Criteria |
1. |
Mechanical Engineering (MECH) |
B.E. / B.Tech. or equivalent degree in Mechanical Engineering / Production / Manufacturing / Automobile / Aeronautical / Aerospace Engineering and/or in the relevant field of Mechanical Engineering. |
2. |
Power System Engineering (PSE) |
B.E. / B.Tech. or equivalent degree in Electrical / Electrical & Electronics / Power Plant Engineering and / or in the relevant field of Electrical Engineering. |
3. |
Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (PEED) |
B.E. / B.Tech. or equivalent degree in Electrical / Electrical & Electronics / Power Plant Engineering / Electronics / Electrical & Instrumentation / Electrical & Communication / Electronics & Communication / Instrumentation / Electronics & Instrumentation / Power Electronics & Drives and / or in the relevant field of Electrical Engineering. |
+ How to Apply
Admission Procedure:
Online application form is required to be submitted through online portal, which will remain available on the IIT(ISM) website iitism.ac.in from 20/10/2023. After filling the form, the candidates are advised to take a print of the application and keep the same for record.
Candidates can apply for more than one program.
Non-refundable Application fee for each program for all candidates is Rs. 2000/-. The application fee needs to be paid through online payment gateway only along with the online application.
It is the responsibility of the candidate, to ensure that he/she satisfies all eligibility criteria for a particular program, as mentioned in this information brochure, and submit complete and correct information in the Institute admission portal accordingly.
The 3-Year M.Tech. admission will be through Interview/written test and the candidates will be communicated by the respective program offering Departments regarding the same.GATE qualified candidates are eligible for direct admission after interview.
Image quality of the uploaded documents must be good enough to enable easy verification of the documents/items. Care should be taken to scan the documents (with file format jpg/jpeg) with the help of high quality scanner. The candidate should check the quality of the soft document before uploading.
The following documents are to be uploaded during the document uploading:
Image files of your recent passport size photograph and signature [Max 50 KB in JPEG or PNG format].
Qualifying Degree Marks-Sheet of final semester needs to be uploaded [Max 1 MB in Merged PDF format].
GATE score card as indicated in the application form.(Optional) [Max 1 MB in PDF format].
Caste certificate/EWS income certificate to avail seat reservation under respective reserved category. (The OBC (NCL) certificate as per Annexure I and issued on or after April 01, 2022) [Max 1 MB in PDF format].
Persons with Disability (PwD) are required to upload a certificate of disability from the authorized medical board [Max 1 MB in PDF format].
Proof of work Experience (Minimum 1 year experience is mandatory for applying in 3-Year M. Tech program) [Max 1 MB in Merged PDF format].
2 page CV [Max 1 MB in PDF format].
The admission of selected candidates after Interview by the respective departments will be provisional after the payment of admission fee.
In addition to original copy of above mentioned documents following original documents must be produced by the candidate at the time of admission to respective IIIFs to complete his/her Admission:
Copy of the online application form.
Copy of Admission fee payment receipt.
The Migration Certificate or College Leaving Certificate.
Photo ID (Aadhaar/PAN/DL etc) and Proof of age (Plus 2 certificate/Aadhaar/Matriculation certificate, etc.).
All the relevant educational qualification certificates, including the qualifying examination, class awarded, Work experience certificate, GATE Score card (if any), etc.
4 passport size and 10 stamp size colour photographs.
2 page CV.
The documents of the candidates will be verified by IIT(ISM) officials. Admission of only those candidates, whose documents are found in order and verified as satisfactory, will be confirmed.It is the responsibility of the concerned candidate to upload proper document. No admission fees will be refunded for submission of false document(s).
All other formalities related to identity card, hostel and bank account, etc. will be completed subsequently by the candidate.
Withdrawal of Admission:
After admission/provisional admission, a candidate may withdraw his/her admission. Withdrawal may be requested to AR (admissions) through email (aradm@iitism.ac.in).
If a candidate withdraws the offer of admission after the selection, and payment of admission fee, the candidate will be refunded only the caution money.
+ Details of Fees
Non-refundable application fee for each programme for all candidates is Rs. 2000/- per programme. The application fee needs to be paid through online payment gateway only along with the online application.
Fees reconciliation may take upto 5-7 days.Hence, please do not make 2nd time payment , and wait for same.
+ Course Fees
The total programme fee is
Rs. 5,10,500.00 (Five Lakhs ten thousand five hundred only) payable in six instalments:
Rs. 97,400/- at the time of admission as a fee for
first semester.
Rs. 81,300/- as a fee for second semester
Rs. 84,600/- as a fee for third semester
Rs. 81,300/- as a fee for fourth semester
Rs. 84,600/- as a fee for fifth semester
Rs. 81,300/- as a fee for sixth semester
This is a self-financed course and therefore, no fee waiver / exemption will be allowed and there is no provision for payment of scholarship to the student
under these courses.
+ Seat Distribution
Sl. No. |
Name of Program (Program Code) |
Total |
1. |
Mechanical Engineering (MECH) |
50 |
2. |
Power System Engineering (PSE) |
50 |
3. |
Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (PEED) |
50 |
Grand Total |
150 |
Mechanical Engineering:
Prof. Somnath Chattopadhyay
+91 94319 54821
Prof. N. K. Singh
+91 94317 11359
Electrical Engineering:
Prof. P. K. Sadhu
+91 62990 70058
Prof. Sanjoy Mandal
+91 97714 37447
Prof. V. Mukherjee
+91 94711 91127
For Technical Issue:
Technical Helpdesk: admission-issues@iitism.ac.in
(For any Technical problem related to Online Application during office hours only. Please quote your admission programme and registration number / application no. in subject / mail compulsorily for quick response )
Source: iitism.ac.in