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Jadavpur University - Admission to Certificate Course on Herbal Medicine 2022

Admission to Certificate Course on Herbal Medicine
conducted by
School of Natural Product Studies
Faculty of Interdisciplinary studies Law & Management
Jadavpur University
Session: 2022

Admission Notice

    + Scope

    During the past decade Herbal medicines and natural products have taken a pivotal role in drug discovery and drug development. Owing to the diverse biological activities and therapeutic potential of herbal medicines nearly every civilization has accumulated experience and knowledge of their use. Utilization of molecular biology and combinatorial chemistry has allowed to scientifically validate the traditional claims of natural products as well as assure its safe and efficacious utilization.

    Some important factors of this course have been listed below:
    • Promotion and development of Ethnopharmacology, medicinal plants, traditional medicine and other natural products through dissemination of knowledge for Globalizing local knowledge and localizing global technologies.
    • Promotion and development of new natural products utilizing the ethnopharmacological & traditional knowledge and to understand the global need of the ancient medicinal systems such as, Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and others.
    • To bridge the gap between industry and academia with modern tools and hyphenated instruments.
    • Screening & Evaluation of natural products.
    • Value addition to natural products through value added herbal drug delivery systems.
    • Quality control and standardization of natural products formulation.
    • High throughput screening for the lead finding in natural products.
    • To understand the nature of synergy and polypharmacology exist in the natural medicinal products with the knowledge of system biology.
    • To find the cure of different ailments including neglected diseases utilizing the knowledge of ethnopharmacology and natural product research.
    • To establish the future of ancient system of medicines utilizing multidisciplinary approaches in health sciences.
    • To promote national and international cooperation among researchers in interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and trans-disciplinary aspects for development of ethnopharmacology and natural product studies.
    • To encourage the research activities in the direction of traditional medicine inspired drug discovery and development of potentially active new chemical entities from medicinal plants.

    + Other Detail

    Necessary Qualification: Diploma, Degree or MS in Pharmacy, BSc. and MSc. from any College approved by the regulatory authority.

    Duration of Course: 6 months

    Course Fee: Rs. 30,208/-

    Application Fee: Rs. 100/-

    Subject & Syllabus:
    Subject 1: Quality Evaluation of Herbal Medicines: Challenges and Opportunities (Theory)
    Subject 2: Extraction and Other Downstream Procedures for Evaluation of Herbal Drugs (Theory)
    Subject 3: Chromatographic Analysis of Herbal Drugs (Theory)
    Subject 4: Extraction and other Downstream Procedures for Evaluation of Herbal Drugs (Practical)
Prof. Pallab K Haldar
School of Natural Product Studies
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology
Jadavpur University, Kolkata - 700032.

Contact: 033 2457 2050 (O), +91 94332 30566, +91 62908 00718
Source: jaduniv.edu.in

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