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Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College, Kolkata
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Undergraduate Admission Subject Combination 2023 | Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College

Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College [VJRC]
Undergraduate Admission Subject Combination 2023

Subject Combination

Honours Subjects Elective Subjects
Bengali / English / History / Education / Pol. Science/Philosophy / Journalism & Mass Communication Bengali
Philosophy / Journalism & Mass Communication

B.A. (Major) students should select Any One (1) Subject as major and Two (2) Subjects as Minor except his/her own Honours Subject.

Candidates cannot choose Philosophy and Journalism & Mass communication together as Two Minor Subjects. (If He / She opts Philosophy, He / She has to opt another Minor Subject from the above listed subjects except Journalism & Mass Communication andVice-Versa.

B.A. (3 Year Multidisciplinary Degree Programme)
Major Subjects Minor Subjects
Education History
Political Science Philosophy [Not for Journalism & Mass Comm. major]
Economics ---------
Journalism & Mass Communication ---------

Candidates have to select Two(2) Major Subjects and One (1) Minor Subject.
Candidates cannot choose Philosophy as Minor Subject if he/she opts for Journalism & Mass Communication as Major Subject.


B.Sc. (Major) (4 years)
Major Subject 1 st Minor Subject 2nd Minor Subject
Microbiology (Hons.) Chemistry Physics * / Botany
Physics (Hons.) Chemistry Mathematics
Chemistry (Hons.) Physics Mathematics
Economics (Hons.) Mathematics Journalism / Education / English
Environmental Science (Hons.) Chemistry Botany / Zoology / Physiology
  General Subjects (Choose Any Two)
Botany (Hons.) Chemistry / Zoology / Physiology
Zoology (Hons.) Chemistry / Botany / Physiology

*Applicants need to have passed mandatorily in Mathematics and Physics in previous qualifying Examination to choose Physics.
Applicants applying for science subjects are mandatorily required to obtain pass marks in theory and practical examinations separately at 10+2 level

B.Sc. (3 Year Multidisciplinary Degree Programme) [Pure Sc.]
Programme Pool of Subjects
B.Sc. (Gen.) [Pure Science] Physics

Applicants needs to choose 2 subjects as core and one subject as minor from the above mentioned subject pool
Subject chosen as core should not be chosen as minor
Applicants need to have passed mandatorily in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics in previous qualifying Examination.
Applicants applying for science subjects are mandatorily required to obtain pass marks in theory and practical examinations separately at 10+2 level

B.Sc. (3 Year Multidisciplinary Degree Programme ) [Bio. Sc.]
Programme Pool of Subjects
B.Sc. (Gen.) [Bio. Sc.] Physics

Applicants needs to choose 2 subjects as core and one subject as minor from the above mentioned subject pool
Subject chosen as core should not be chosen as minor
Applicants applying for science subjects are mandatorily required to obtain pass marks in theory and practical examinations separately at 10+2 level


(B.Com. Honours & General)
Course Subjects
B.Com. (Major)( 4 years) in Accounting & Finance As per CU Syllabus
B.Com. (3 Year Multidisciplinary Degree Programme) As per CU Syllabus
  • N.B.: In addition to the subjects chosen as per combination of major and minor, three more compulsory papers: Ability Enhancement Course (Laguage), Common Value Added Course (CVAC) and Inter Disciplinary Course (IDC) are to be compulsorily studied by each student as per the norms of University of Calcutta. These papers would be decided by a student before registration.
  • For more detailed information on course structure consult CSR published by University of Calcutta
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