A.P.C. Roy Govt. College was established on 21st July 2010 to cater to the educational needs of this region. This is the second Govt. College of its kind in Darjeeling district and third in North Bengal. The college is named after the legendary personality in the field of science Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy who is hailed as the father of Indian Chemistry, a visionary and a great educationist. It is hoped in all sincerity that this nascent institution will go a long way in carrying forward the noble vision of this great soul.

The college has been rechristened twice. Initially it was called Siliguri Govt. College, and then, giving precedence to personality over place it was renamed Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Govt. College. The final rechristening is an expression of a broadened vision to reach out to a larger section of the society by introducing new streams / subjects for which the process has already been initiated. As the college was started as a Science college it offers Honours courses in fine Science Subjects viz. Zoology, Botany, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. First year students have to opt for Alternative English in lieu of MIL. More stream / subjects will be introduced in the days to come.
The magnificent college building is situated at Himachal Vihar, the foothills of the district offering an unobstructed view of the hills, away from the noise of the city and yet not too far, in an environment that is serene and highly conductive to teaching and learning. The college building is constructed by S.J.D.A. (Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Authority) funded by the Govt. of West Bengal. The spacious class rooms are highly lighted and well furnished and so are the sufficiently equipped laboratories. Library is the heart of every educational institution. The college library though in its formative stage has adequate number of books to meet the academic needs of teachers as well as students. I appeal to one and all to come forward and help this burgeoning institution.