Barjora College was set up in 1985 when virtually higher education was a long way off especially to the economically backward classes of the Northern Bankura District. To boost the need of higher education a few distinguished education-lovers and dedicators of the locality, namely Sri Aswini Kumar Raj,Sri Lalbehari Bhattacharya Sri Radhakanta Mondal,Sri Manik ch. Mukherjee, etc. All came to the forefront to realize the dream.After hard and unflinching struggle these distinguished personalities and also the common people of the area and a few members of the Mondal family of Barjora Provided land and other requisite materials for the college.
However, this institution was initially started in the Barjora High School,later it was shifted to its own building in 1987 with a poor infrastructural facility. Gradually it could find out its own building in 1987 with a poor infrastructural facility. Gradually it could find out its own way of existence with increasing amenities in the open atmosphere of flora and fauna.
After a ten year pass course run’-The University of Burdwan and concurrently the State Govt. sanctioned English Hons. First in 1995,considering the growing public demand for extension of greater facilities of higher trict.Later Bengali Hons.,History Hons.,Political Science Hons.,Philosophy Hons.courses were introducted.Geography & Sanskrit Combination have also come into existence in this college.Geography Hons. Course is going to be introduced from this year.Other infrastructural facilities will be provided soon for further flourishment of the college largely with the XIIth plan grants from the UGC,the State Govt.the MPLAD,own resources and public donations as well.