There is an oft-quoted saying in the locality of Belda-“Belda could not dream of a college without Kedarnath Das”. The day 16th August in the year 1963 is a conspicuous landmark amongst the people of Belda.

Through the untiring and selfless efforts of Kedarnath Das and N.G. Dutta, the then B.D.O. Narayangarh, Belda College was established on that day and Kedar babu became the first founder Secretary of this institution. Belda Satyanarayana Mandir Committee and Deuli Sudhir Primary School Committee came forward to donate handsome money and land without which this institution of higher education would never see the light of the day.
The College is situated in a picturesque site amid the conducive atmosphere of learning. It is away from the din and bustle of the town life. The scenery of bounteous nature, the open face of the blue vault of heaven, the spacious grassy playground adds to the sublime beauty of the college. In the very first day of its inception Kedarnath Das said in his speech, “I have just been able to plant a little sapling for the dissemination of education and it has the potentiality of growing into a big tree with full blossom if nourished properly and timely in the years to come.