Monteswar is a large populous Village having semi - urban facilities like Police Station, Block Development Office, Banks, Telephone Exchange, Boys' and Girls' H.S. Schools, Hospital, Sub-Registery Office, Sub-Post Office etc. in Kalna Sub-Division in the district of Burdwan. Mr. Kala Chand Roy (Son of Late Dr. Gour Mohan Roy, a famous Dr. in Barabazar, Kolkata), a philanthropic native of Monteswar and a benevolent businessman in Kolkata came forward with his donation of Land, Building, Furniture, and Money to turn the dream of the education-lovers of the locality for setting up a college at Monteswar into reality. The College known as ' Dr. Gour Mohan Roy College' got its start in 1986 vide G.O. No.- 1971-Edn (CS) dt. 28.11.1986 and was affiliated to the Burdwan University in 1989 and was enlisted under 2(f) Act of the UGC in 1994.

The period of infancy and uncertainty is over and the college is now a preferred destination for the students of degree course in the locality. The college has now a large beautiful campus accommodating more than 1500 students in the current session.
Apart from UGC Grants and WB Govt. Grants the college received and has still been receiving financial assistance for Building Construction etc. from Local Area Development Grants of the Local MLA and MP.
Monteswar Panchyet Samiti also set up a deep tube well and another drinking water supply system through pipe line (under PHE Dept.) in the college.
The College also received grant from the Central Govt. for setting up a Multi - gym.
With support and well wishes from the people of the Locality, Local Administration, Govt. and University authorities, it is expected, sky is the limit for its development.