Government College, Rhenock lies in a quaint surrounding at Rung dung. The college lies three kilometers uphill from Rhenock proper. The location of the college is highly conducive in providing an ideal teaching-learning atmosphere. It is a co-educational college offering B.A and B.Sc courses. The college was established in 2005, affiliated to North Bengal University. With the establishment of
Sikkim University in 2007 Government College Rhenock is now under its affiliation.
Government College, Rhenock caters to the requirements of the students of the nearby areas. Besides providing a platform for Higher Education to the places lying at the periphery of Rhenock, like Rongli, Chujachen, Aritar, Mamring, Reshi, Rorathang, Pakyong, and Rongpo, the students from other districts of Sikkim and neighboring state of West Bengal, North Eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh and also the kingdom of Bhutan who come to this college for learning.
The academic culture of the college is vibrant and student centric. The College faculty members are well qualified and committed to the curricular development and innovation besides initiating various extra-curricular activities and involving themselves wholly in the process of institution building.