Kabi Nazrul College, in Murarai in the district of Birbhum was established in the year 1985 as lone institute of higher education in such a remote area where the light of proper education has not yet fully reached. It deserves special mention that all sections of people, the haves and the have-nots, have rendered yeoman's service to the construction and development of the institutions situated mainly in a poverty stricken locality where most of the people are steeped in ittiteracy, ignorance and superstitions. The college emerged only with two rooms with a view to education the pupils coming from backward communities and working class people,most of whom were first generations learners. Since the state of infancy the college proceeded in the teeth of oppositions, both financial and functional.

The very name of our institution reminds us of a prolific poet NAZRUL who is regarded as a rebel poet in the history of Bengali literature. It is admitted on all hands that NAZRUL, a child of melancholy, had to struggle hard against poverty since his boy hood. There is no denying fact the NAZRUL, a champion of the suffering humanity, had deep love and profound sympathy for the poor and the distressed, for the oppressed and the downtrodden. He raised his voice against imperialism, exploitation, inequality and injustic.
The College develops gradually through storms and strains. Off sourse, the UGC has contributed much toits development. The contribution of the Govt. of West Bengal cannot be lost sight of. Buildings have been erected. different faculties have been opened. The nomber of teachers in different subjects has increased through not considerably. The number of students is increasing day by day.