Memari College, a NAAC Accredited College, is one of the most reputed institutes of higher learning in West Bengal. It was out of the ardent and dedicated zeal of the educationalists of region and almost necessity of

higher education for local and surrounding students that the College was established in the last phase of the last century. The College stands on a calm and quiet place encompassed by greenish natural boundaries far from the din and bustle of the semi-urban life.
At present the physical infrastructure is spread over 11(eleven) acre of beautiful campus covering state-of-the-art arrangement for creating a rich academic environment. The college has its own play ground and pond within its premises. The history of its establishment had undergone many protracted phases. Having suffered for about four decades of topsy-turvy, the college was born, and began its journey on and from December 16, 1981 in the nearby Memari Vidyasagar Memorial Institution, Unit-II, with only 51 students in B.A. Course.
However, overcoming the initial hurdles of the construction of its own building, the College was shifted to its own building in May 1985. The construction of building was accelerated with the financial assistance from U.G.C., the Govt. of West Bengal and generous donations by the local business community as well as common people, teaching, non-teaching & students of the College. Now it caters to the educational needs of more than 3300 students in three main Streams: Arts, Commerce & Science as well as professional one, like Computer Science. Having passed through ups and downs the College has now attained its glorious position with prestigious NAAC Accreditation.