Is the out come of genuine and sincere effort of the people of all spheres of Sankrail and Neighbouring Blocks.The College has been named in the memory of a person who has devoted his life for the poor and the down trodden.We feel great pride in this

In the last few years there has been a tremendous development in this area like any other part of West Bengal.Many Demands of the people of this area have been fulfilled.Inspite of this the people feel a long left want ,an institution for higher education for their younger generation.The area is inhabited by many poor S.C.,S.T., and the minority community who cannot sfford even the minimum expanses for the higher education of their wards,keeoing them in hostels or boarding ,away from their home.
As there was no institutefor higher Education in this blocks(Sankrail,paschim Medinipur)and the neighbouring Blocks,such as Keshiary,Narayangarh,Gopiballavpur-II,some local social workers and enthusiasts for education formed an NGO Sankrail Block Education and Rural Development Society-a philanthropic Society which had been registered in the year 2003.The governing body of the society formed an organizing committee for the proposed college by the time,which did the usual preliminaries to start an Under graduate general degree College.