Established on 9th of June in the year 2006, this Degree college for the girl students is a dream child of Swami Nityanandaji Maharaj based on the teachings of Swami Vivekananda. Here we teach subjects of Arts and Science stream

and M.Sc in Food & Nutrition. We are a college having mission with a vision to enhance , improve and create in the students an ability to achieve and perform the best in their respective fields by training them up with a fantastic mix of beliefs, knowledge while maintaining our tradition and culture. Ours is a missionary college where discipline is a must, punctuality is the order and performance is the goal. We try to bring about an all-round development by organizing various Seminars, Workshops, Sports Week and Annual Cultural Programs. Experts of our subjects are brought to deliver special lectures and enlighten our students’. For us the students are buds about to bloom – we take the special care that this process of blooming is a sweet one, full of fragrance and a beautiful one which spreads joy to the heart that sees it.