A hearty welcome to Siliguri College of Commerce, the premier institution of North Bengal to impact commerce and management education in this region. This co-educational college is accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation

Council (NAAC).This college was established in 1962 just a year after the establishment of the University of North Bengal which it is affiliated to. It started its onwards journey with just a handful of students with a mission to enrich the incoming aspirants with commerce education so as to enable them to suit in their desired position in the society.
Siliguri, as we know, has been having the accelerated advancement in all dimensions including that in academia and particularly that in business and commerce. In this respect the presence of this institution in this growing commercial hub assumes even greater importance than before. In the light of this fact, the college has been giving attention to the introduction of some specialised commerce and management courses. The introduction of Honours in Management, BBA are the fruits of this effort. In fact, at present, it is the only college in North Bengal from where one can pursue Honours in Management and BBA course. We are hopeful to introduce Honours in Finance, C.S. inter and final courses and MBA in near future.