Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya, one of the leading women colleges in North Bengal, especially in Siliguri Sub-Division made its humble beginning on 1981 with eight girl students only. Since then, in accordance with the growing need of

speedily developing Siliguri city, the college has been serving by educating its women population, mostly belonging to lower middle class and weaker section of the community. Initially, some socially dedicated persons came forward to establish a center for higher education exclusively for girls. Later it has been enriched with continuous help from the Government of West Bengal, the University of North Bengal Grants Commission.
Higher Education has witnessed a paradigm shift from elilist esotercism to common man's right to knowledge. This college is trying to adopt itself to this new way of thinking. It aims to set a pedagogic goal that is less hectoring and instructional and more learner-facilitating.
With this aim in mind the college offers a wide variety of disciplines in both general and honours courses in Humanities. Located in a calm corner of the town, it has become a credible instutution. Not far from the local railway station, and from the bus terminus, the college has an impressive and an expansive campus. The atmosphere is ideal for profound academic activities. By the untiring efforts of the host of scholarly, sincere and devoted teachers, the standard of teaching is maintained at a high level. Sincere administrative staff help the students at every step.