Nature’s emerald-bower campus of the college is a solace of the hearts, caring for learning in the present terror-tora world. Here there is no barrier between the teachers and taught. Here there is no filter through which seared

burning comes down from the heart of the teachers to the budding souls of the pupils. Here there are open exchanges of views through discourse in open space of nature, instead of confining themselves in cloistered classrooms.
Te establishment of the Sonamukhi College, a far-flung rural, socio-economically backward area in the district of Bankura (WB) in 1966, was the most memorable landmark in the annals of higher education. The institution grew up in the warmth of scholarly idealism of some noble souls of the land. With all zeal and devotion, they came forward to build up this institute of higher learning in the backward area of the district of disseminate the light of knowledge and wisdom, dispelling the darkness of ignorance from the minds of the first generation learners.
This institute started academic journey with a few, handful number of students, obedient to the teachers and staff, very few indeed and dedicated to their study in U.G.- B.A. and B.Com general courses. Four decades have passed and the college has now turned into a banyan tree, sheltering many learners of the district and far-off areas. The college has now become one of the premier institutions in the field of general education in science, arts and commerce under the University of Burdwan and has earned good reputation for its Academic Excellency, congenial environment and an exquisite eco-friendly geographical situation.