Since the opening session 1948-49, the college was affiliated to the University of Calcutta in English, Bengali, Sanskrit, History, Logic, Civics, Commercial Geography, Commercial Arithmetic, Elements of Book Keeping to I.A. standard

and organizers were motivated to introduce I.Sc. course from the very next session. From the very beginning of the Commerce department was run in the evening in the interest of the otherwise employed students. But with the increasing tendency of the girl students to study commerce, the department was shifted from the evening to the morning. In view of the ever-increasing need and demand of the locality, Calcutta University offered affiliation in Honours Course in Bengali, English, Chemistry, History, Political Science, Mathematics, Economics and Accountancy at degree level in quick succession. But since 1985, the affiliation of the colleges of undivided Midnapore district was changed from C.U. to V.U. by the Govt. policy and affiliation in Honours course was obtained from V.U. in Physics, Zoology, Botany, Physiology, Philosophy and Sanskrit. Recently, self-financed courses in Geography, Education, Physical Education, Computer science have been introduced. The college is now more or less equipped with a good no. of faculty members, technical staff and ministerial staff. It is governed by a well-coordinated Governing Body.