Every big thing has a humble beginning. Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya at Haripal, Hooghly (W.B.) too started its journey in its own small way in the year 1966 after being affiliated to the University of Burdwan in order to cater to

the needs of adjoining rural community. It was started with the benign intention of imparting value-based education on the initiative undertaken by the spirited freedom fighter, Pandit Dharanath Bhattacharya. It was under his visionary leadership that a society known as 'Vivekananda Samsad' was formed in order to celebrate the centenary year of Swami Vivekananda. The Samsad started functioning on and from January 12, 1963 and its activities were mainly aimed at the socio-cultural and educational upliftment of the adjoining localities.
It organized fund collections as well as land acquisition with the objective of establishing a college and Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya was formally opened at Haripal on the 8th day of August 1966. Gradually, the college earned reputation as a graded seat of learning and has been able to attract vast number of students not only from the different parts of the district of Hooghly, but also from the adjacent districts of Howrah and Burdwan. Iin his own way, Pandit Dharanath Bhattacharya tried to actualize Swamiji's thoughts by giving the rural folk in and around Haripal an opportunity to illuminate their minds by the establishment of an institution-at their doorstep. Following the progressive thoughts of Swami Vivekananda, Pandit Dharanath intended a shape to Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya to function as a beacon light for the rural youths so that they become brave and worthy citizens of tomorrow. Thus, the mission of the institution from the beginning has been 'Atmanam Viddhi', i.e., 'Know thyself'.